Month: September 2013

Ways to Reduce or End Alimony

Common Ways to Reduce or End AlimonyAmong the more successful arguments to reduce or eliminate alimony are: The paying spouse is suddenly and involuntarily unemployed An illness makes it harder for the paying spouse to work The recipient spouse is living with someone as a couple, not roommates (needs to be of a  permanent nature

Some Useful Read and Reference

RTIRTI to PF Office to get ex’s PF infoRTI Template Bulletin Board/Blogs: Others can help you: Join yahoo group where you will meet like-minded people who can help you: Click to join saveindianfamily 24-hour All India Helpline Number: +91-09243473794 You too can help others  Spread this to as many

How to Divorce Your Wife Without Paying Alimony

Alimony is support paid by one former spouse to the other in an amount and duration set by a court or separation agreement. The rules regarding alimony entitlement, calculation and duration are set by individual state laws and within each state, family courts possess considerable discretion in deciding whether to award alimony or not. Despite

How To Get A Divorce In India

There are different laws of divorce for different religion. Hindus(which includes Sikh, Jain, Budh) are governed by Hindu Marriage Act,1955.Christians are governed by Indian Divorce Act-1869 & The Indian Christian Marriage Act,1872.Muslims are governed by Personnel laws of Divorce and also the Dissolution of Marriage Act,1939 &The Muslim Women(Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act,1986. Similarly, Parsis are governed by The Parsi Marriage & Divorce Act-1936.

Proclamation for person absconding

82. Proclamation for person absconding. (1) If Any court has reason to believe (whether after taking evidence or not) that any person against whom a warrant has been issued by it has absconded or is concealing himself so that such warrant cannot be executed, such court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to appear

Tips to save your ass once you are expecting 498A

PRE DIVORCE CHECKLIST  Cancel all credit cards Clean out all bank and investment accounts. Collect all bank statements, ___utility bills______ canceled checks___, insurance policies___ and anything in the house that bears a dollar sign and deliver them to your attorney for safekeeping. Pack a bag and keep it elsewhere This might even include some foodstuffs,

Precautionary measures before and after 498a cases

Before 498a If you are apprehending such a case, make an intimation to the concerned authorities (with strict instructions as to no action)  and you’d be on stronger grounds. But no protection is absolute.  General: Right from the marriage learn about the marriage laws of India. (Divorce Laws / Various Grounds for divorce/ Alimony /